Over the past few posts, I’ve been talking a bit about the type system I want to implement for Viper. I’ve finally decided that I need to just pick a decent subset of features to start with and actually begin working on it, or else I’ll never get anywhere! So this post serves to record the major features of the type system I plan to implement as of right now.

Table of Contents

This post is a bit lengthy, so I’m providing a table of contents to allow a quick overview and ability to jump straight to the most interesting bits.


A static type system is one in which all the type information is known at compile-time (and, as a consequence, is usually found in languages whose implementations are compilers instead of interpreters). The advantages of a static type system are numerous, but most important to me is the ability to get errors directly from compiling the program instead of needing to run it over an exhaustive set of tests. This produces a fail-fast development environment. Static type systems can be found in languages like Java, Haskell, Swift, and plenty more.

Python features a dynamic type system — a type system which does not provide any compile-time guarantees (which makes sense, since the default Python implementation is more interpreted than compiled anyway). To ensure your data is type-correct in Python, you simply have to write a lot of tests and run the program over them with enough inputs to satisfy yourself that you won’t have any errors in the future. (Note that there are alternate implementations of Python which provide the ability to run static type checking, but these are not the default way of doing things.)

I should point out that many of the below additional features are irrelevant in a type system like Python’s — that is, in a language feature duck typing. Duck typing is a particular form of dynamic typing where types are not even checked at runtime like they can be in some dynamic type systems. Instead, the interpreter merely tries to determine whether it can make the proper calls with the values it has. You can read more about duck typing at the relevant Wikipedia page.

Structural and Nominal Typing

There are two main categorizations of how type systems approach the representation of types: structural typing and nominal typing.

Nominal typing is the style that most people are taught in school. In a nominally typed language, a type is really just a name for a specific shape of data. Classes in most object-oriented languages are also names of types, and defining a new class introduces a new type that can be produced. Instances of a class are given the type of their class, and a value’s type can only be changed through a process called casting. In most languages there is also a notion of subtyping, where one type is said to be a subtype of (i.e., is more specified than) another type. The subtype relation in nominally typed languages is determined entirely by types’ names and their definitions in the code. That is to say that you must explicitly declare one type to be a subtype of another by name. (This is usually done by defining a class which is a subclass of another, such as through Java’s extends keyword, e.g., class Foo extends Bar would be defining the class Foo, which is a subclass of Bar, and thus produces types Foo and Bar where the former is a subtype of the latter.)

On the other hand, we have structural typing. A structural type system is one which cares only about the shape of the data. If two different values have exactly the same fields and methods, then they are members of the same type. If one has more fields than the other, then the former is a subtype of the latter (because it is more specific). Structural typing is usually seen in functional programming languages and research papers.

Python is duck-typed, meaning that a function def foo(x): ... will accept for x a value of any type, so long as that value can be used in whatever ways the function expects. This is most similar to a structural type system, because Python doesn’t care about the name of the type of the object.

Therefore, Viper will have a structural type system.

However, while a structural type system guarantees appropriate functionality of a type, a nominal type system guarantees appropriate meaning. Sometimes it really is useful to say “This function will only accept values of type X” where X is a name and not a structure. Because of this, I want Viper to provide an optional nominal typing convention. If a programmer wants, they can specify that a particular value must be of a type of the appropriate name.

Object-Oriented Programming

Since Python supports OOP, Viper will as well.

I think by default the OOP constructs will be structural. That is, a type T is considered a subtype of another type S if T implements all the fields that S does (and, optionally, more, but certainly no fewer).

However, sometimes the programmer may desire to restrict subtyping to nominal subtyping, so I think Viper will also support that avenue.

Recursive Types

A feature that I don’t view as optional is that of recursive types, or types which are defined in terms of themselves.

Recursive types are incredibly powerful, and are also a natural thing to come across. Consider a binary tree: each node in the tree contains a value (perhaps an integer) and 0, 1, or 2 pointers to other nodes further down the tree (the “children”).

This can be expressed simply as a recursive type:

class Tree:
    value: int
    left: Tree
    right: Tree

(Note that this is not legal Python because Python’s type annotation system requires all types to be forward-declared. This can be fixed by using strings for the recursive type references, e.g., left: 'Tree'.)

Viper will have support for recursive types.

Mutually-Recursive Types

Further extending the idea of the recursive type is the mutually-recursive types. This is when two types each refer to one another in their definitions.

There are quite a few languages that don’t properly support mutually-recursive types, but there are plenty that do. I think there’s no good reason not to support this functionality, so Viper will allow it.

Algebraic Data Types

Algebraic data types (or ADTs for short) are types that can be built exclusively from other types. I wrote about ADTs more fully in a previous post, so I won’t expand on them too much here except for a brief highlight.

ADTs are a way of building types as compositions of other types. Each ADT specifies a name, which is used as the constructor for values of that type. For example, if you have a type type Foo = Foo Int, then you can create an instance of Foo by doing Foo 3. (This is Haskell syntax. The Foo on the left of the = is the name of the type being defined, where the Foo on the right is the name of the type constructor that you use to instantiate values of this type.)

ADTs come in two flavors: sum types (which represent having an option among multiple types) and product types (which represent a type composed of all of the component types). So an example of a sum type might be type Foo = Bar Int | Baz Float (where | represents the “or” choice), and an example of a product type could be type Quux = Quux Int Float String (so a Quux consists of an Int, a Float, and a String).

Sum types and product types can be composed as you see fit. For example, we can rewrite the binary tree example from the previous section on recursive types in Haskell as:

type Tree = Empty
          | Leaf Int
          | Branch Int Tree Tree

The Empty constructor takes no arguments and represents a lack of a node. (This is used so we aren’t required to use only full binary trees.) The Leaf constructor takes an Int as a value, but contains no children. The Branch constructor takes an Int as a value, but also takes two Tree values.

This type allows us to express any possible binary tree (whose values are integers).

I think ADTs are hugely useful, and I especially love how concise they are. They will definitely be a feature of Viper.

Pattern Matching

I also wrote about pattern matching in that previous post on ADTs. Pattern matching is the ability to take an ADT type as argument and continue execution based on which constructor it is. So an example might be summing the values of the integers in the binary tree given in the previous section:

sum :: Tree -> Int
sum t = case t of
            Empty        -> 0
            Leaf v       -> v
            Branch v l r -> v + (sum l) + (sum r)

This function takes a Tree as argument and returns the sum of all the values inside that tree.

Pattern matching couples naturally with ADTs, and I think any implementation of ADTs should include pattern matching to be worth much to the programmer. The ability to deconstruct the constructors and immediately assign variables to the values inside that constructor makes a lot of code much easier to read and reason about, so Viper will definitely have pattern matching.

Usually when matching an ADT, a language’s compiler will give an error if the programmer did not write a case for all of the type’s constructors. This is possible because ADTs are generally immutable and not “subtypeable” — meaning that all of the constructors are known to be in one place (the ADT’s definition). So you could not write a function like:

product :: Tree -> Int
product t = case t of
                | Empty -> 0
                | Branch v l r -> v * (product l) * (product r)

The pattern match does not include a case for the Leaf constructor, so the compiler will give the programmer an error about how the pattern match is not “exhaustive”.

I think this capability is incredibly useful. It ensures that every point in the code accounts for every possible case, so you can’t accidentally forget to account for something. Now, sometimes you really do just want to handle one or two of the constructors, in which case these languages usually provide a _ wildcard syntax to say “match anything”.

But some languages, such as Scala, allow the programmer to perform pattern matches over non-ADT data. This can be very useful to the programmer because it provides a concise syntax for handling subclasses, but the compiler simply cannot make any exhaustiveness guarantees in these cases. This is because non-ADT types can be subtyped, and their definitions are not considered static (in that you can define new subtypes in entirely separate files, or even in a separate project that imports the base type from a package).

Providing exhaustive pattern match checking over ADTs is simple enough, and providing non-exhaustive pattern match over non-ADTs is also simple enough. The problem for me is that I want Viper’s ADTs to exist within the object hierarchy of non-ADT types… which is what the previous post about ADTs in Viper addresses.

The short conclusion of this section is: Viper will have pattern matching, and it will (hopefully) support exhaustiveness checking over ADTs but also general pattern matching over non-ADT types.

No Implicitly Nullable Types

In languages like Java or C, there are types, and then there is null — a value which inhabits all available types. You can plug null in as a value for a variable of literally any type whatsoever. This means that every type in this language is implicitly nullable. This capability is used often, such as when allocating a variable of a particular type for which you don’t have a value just yet.

But it leads to a lot of headaches. Every Java programmer is familiar with the dreaded NullPointerException — an exception which translates to “I encountered a null value somewhere where I shouldn’t have.” This can be very frustrating, but the truth is that we have developed better solutions!

A common feature among modern languages is the optional type, usually spelled Option, Optional, or Maybe. This is a special kind of type because it is actually parameterized by another type. That is, you can never have a value of type Option; you instead have a value of type Option<X> (or whatever the spelling is in your language).

The Option<X> type tells us “This value is either an X or it’s nothing” (where “nothing” means null in most languages). What’s neat about this is that it introduces a requirement to unwrap the internal value before using it, which means it is impossible to get anything like a NullPointerException.

To make this more concrete, consider the following OCaml code:

let foo (optionalVal : int option) : int =
    match optionalVal with
    | Some v -> v
    | None   -> 0

This is the definition of a function which takes an int option (the OCaml spelling for Option<Int> — a value which is either an int value or nothing) and pattern-matches that value against the possible cases. If the instance passed in is a Some v, then the v (an int) can be extracted and returned. Otherwise, if the instance is None (nothing), then the function will return 0.

The wrapped value v can never be null, because the compiler would never accept it (trying to put a null inside the Some constructor would cause a compile-time error). v must be an int, so we remove the potential for any NullPointerException-like problems.

Even though Python will happily accept a None in absolutely any place, I don’t want to allow this. Viper will not have implicitly nullable types.

Swift’s Take on Optional Types

Swift has some interesting contributions to make on this topic in that the optional types are syntactically ingrained in the language. By this I mean there are a few special features that make using optional types much more convenient:

  1. Types can be made optional by appending ? to their name, e.g., Int? is an optional integer.
  2. There is a “null coalescing” operator, ??, which provides either the value of the optional if it’s not empty or else an alternate value, e.g., return optionalVal ?? value.
  3. The optional values can be unwrapped unconditionally. This is essentially the programmer asserting “I know you can’t quite figure this out, type system, but I assure you there will be a value in this variable by the time you get to it.” This is spelled with the ! postfix operator, e.g., optionalVal! produces the non-empty value. This will throw a runtime exception if a null value is encountered at this point.
  4. Optional values can be chained together, which allows for saying something like “If X, Y, and Z all have real values (are not empty), then do this thing” in a very concise manner. This is accomplished via the ? postfix operator, e.g., if x?.y?.z? { doThing() }.
  5. Optional values can also be bound to a limited scope through a specialized if let syntax. This is given as if let value = optionalVal { doThingWith(value) }. The interior of the if will be evaluated only if optionalVal is not empty. Furthermore, within the scope of the if the variable value will be bound to the value that was contained in optionalVal.

There might be some others that I’m forgetting, but I think these are the main ones.

I think these are some very powerful extensions to the concept of the optional type which can make using them much easier for the programmer, and the easier something is to use in a language the more often it will be used. However, I’m not sure how I feel about incorporating the syntax for a single (albeit powerful) concept like optional types into the language at such a level. I’ll have to think more about this.

Higher-Kinded Types

The optional type of the previous section is an example of a higher-kinded type. To explain, let’s start with the word “kind”.

Wikipedia gives the following definition:

a kind is the type of a type constructor

So it’s a meta-type — a type which is used to describe other types.

Kinds are spelled using just * and ->.

Most types you’re likely familiar with are of kind * and are often called proper types. These are types which contain values. Int, Char, and String are all of kind *.

The next kind up is * -> *, which represents “types which require one other type as argument before a value can be produced”. The optional type is of kind * -> *. Option by itself doesn’t mean anything as a type; instead, it must be given another type as argument in the form Option<X>, where X is whatever type you’re working with (e.g., it could be Option<Int>). Note that while Option has kind * -> *, Option<Int> merely has kind *. That’s because there are values inhabiting the type Option<Int> such as Some(3), Some(42), and None.

So kinds are just categories for special types that need other types to be passed as parameters before they can be useful.

Higher-kinded types are useful because you can define types that are parameterized over other types. This allows for greater freedom of abstraction.

Haskell is a language with lots of support for higher-kinded types, and it’s not uncommon to find Haskell code making use of this feature. Another example of a higher-kinded type that Haskell provides is Either<A, B>: a type whose values are either values of A or values of B. The constructors for this type are Left<A> and Right<B>, and can be used in pattern matching:

foo :: Either A B -> A
foo e = case e of
            Left a  -> a
            Right _ -> error "Not an A"

I think giving the programmer the ability to generate new higher-kinded types could be incredibly useful, but I’m also not exactly sure what all the use cases are.

For now, it’s a feature I’ll mark as “I would like to implement this, but we’ll see if it happens.” At the very least, higher-kinded types likely won’t be in the first implementation of Viper’s type checker.

Parametric Polymorphism

The idea of parametric polymorphism is that sometimes the specific shape of a piece of data doesn’t matter to a function or data definition — that function or data definition is said to be polymorphic in its parameter(s).

Let’s imagine for a moment that we have a List<X> type (which is higher-kinded, because it takes a type as parameter). This means we can have a type for lists of integers (List<Int>) or lists of strings (List<String>) or even lists of lists of other things (List<List<X>>).

Without parametric polymorphism, the type X must be instantiated when used in function definitions. But with parametric polymorphism, the type can be left uninstantiated so as to be more general. Specifically:

zip :: [a] -> [a] -> [(a, a)]
zip xs ys = case (xs, ys) of
                | ([],    [])    -> []
                | (x:xs,  [])    -> []
                | ([],    y:ys)  -> []
                | (x:xs', y:ys') -> (x, y) : (zip xs' ys')

(Note that Haskell spells List<X> as [X].)

The function zip takes two lists of some unknown type (but the same type in both lists) and produces a new list of pairs of elements. The function doesn’t care what the type a corresponds to, because it doesn’t matter to the implementation whatsoever. This is an example of parametric polymorphism: this function can accept lists of any type.

I think parametric polymorphism is hugely useful, so it will definitely make an appearance in Viper. However, there is a question of how strong to make it.

There are two forms of parametric polymorphism: predicative and impredicative.

Predicative parametric polymorphism imposes the restriction that the type parameters (the as in the Haskell example) cannot themselves be parametrically polymorphic. That is, the parametricity can only go one level deep.

Impredicative parametric polymorphism makes no such restriction. However, this comes at a cost: type inference becomes much more challenging to implement.

I’m undecided on which variant I’ll be implementing. Fortunately, the implementation of parametric polymorphism can likely wait for a while, so I don’t need to choose just yet. I’m sure I’ll end up writing a post or two about the decision process along the way, though.

Universal and Existential Types

Parametric polymorphism can be made even more expressive by allowing the programmer to use universal and existential types in their type declarations.

I think this Stack Overflow post explains the concepts well (although some of the other answers are good for gaining a deeper understanding). The key takeaway is that these special types allow for specifying a certain level of knowledge about a type parameter.

A universal type ∀X allows us to define functions which will accept absolutely any type for X. The consequence of this is that the function cannot interact with the values of this type, because it has no way of knowing what that type actually is.

Conversely, the existential type ∃X essentially says “There is something in here, but you can’t know what it is.”

The SO answer I linked to phrases the distinction in terms of producers and consumers of types containing universal or existential types, which I think makes things more clear.

Consider the type T = ∀X .... The producer (T) is saying that it can take absolutely any type for X, which consequently means that T itself knows absolutely nothing about the internals of that type. The type is opaque to the producer. But a consumer (something that’s creating an instance of T) gets to know what X is, because the consumer is the one dictating X’s identity. Which means that the consumer can use any value of type X that can be extracted from T.

Now consider the type T = ∃X .... This time, the producer is the one that gets to know the specifics of X, whereas the consumer knows nothing. T merely promises that “there is some type that will be used here — but you don’t get to know what it is.”

I think universal and existential types seem useful to have direct interaction with, so I will consider adding them to Viper’s type system. But it’s not a sure thing at this point. We shall see.

Row Polymorphism

Structural type systems usually work in terms of record types. These are essentially nameless bundles of fields with associated types and values. The record type { x: Int, y: Int } would represent the type of two-dimensional coordinate pairs, for example. In some literature, the fields are referred to as rows.

So row polymorphism is the concept of allowing records to be polymorphic. Imagine we have a function such as:

def foo(v: { x: int, y: int }):

This function takes as parameter the type of two-dimensional coordinate pairs.

The question that row polymorphism seeks to answer is: should this function only accept those records whose shape exactly matches the expected one?

Consider the type of three-dimensional coordinate pairs: { x: Int, y: Int, z: Int }. This is a record type which defines both an x and y row… so couldn’t we use it in foo?

Under row polymorphism, the answer is “yes”.

This functionality aligns with Python most closely, so Viper will support it.


I think this post successfully records at least the majority of my desired features in Viper’s type system. And now that I’ve written it all down, I can finally start to work on actually implementing it!