Algebraic Data Types in Viper
One of the features I most want to implement in Viper is algebraic data types, or ADTs. ADTs are extremely powerful and expressive, and they are also very easy to use, in my opinion. But for ADTs to work the way I want, I will have to be sure there is a type system that adequately supports them.
Algebraic data types
Algebraic data types, or ADTs, are a way of creating new types from existing types in a simple, straightforward manner. ADTs can be categorized into two main varieties: the sum type and the product type.
Sum types
A sum type is a type that is defined as an option among various other types, called variants. Variants allow us to express a disjoint union over the possible values. Here’s a contrived example:
data Foo = Bar Int
| Baz Bool
So our type, Foo
, consists of two variants: Bar
and Baz
. Any given instance of Foo
can be either a Bar
or a
, which means that the total number of values that can be specified by the Foo
type is equal to the total number
of possible Int
values plus the total number of possible Bool
Note that Bar
and Baz
are also the names of constructors, which are like functions but they produce values of an
ADT. You use a constructor similar to using a function: by passing in arguments. A Bar
can be created by simply
writing Bar 3
, and a Baz
by writing Baz True
. Both of these can be passed into a function expecting a Foo
Product types
The other kind of ADT is a product type, which is a conjunction of multiple other types. Another contrived example:
data Foo = Bar Int Bool
Now we have a type, Foo
, with a single constructor, Bar
. The Bar
constructor expects two arguments, making it
a product type. The total number of values that can be represented by the Bar
type is equal to the total number of
possible Int
values times the total number of possible Bool
values — a cartesian product of the sets of values
of the member types.
Recursive types
In most languages that support ADTs, the ADTs can be defined recursively. This means we can use a type in its own definition:
data Foo = Bar Int Foo
Putting them together
Where ADTs really shine is when combining sum types and product types into a single, very expressive type. For example, a list can be recursively specified as:
data List = Nil
| Cons Int List
let xs = (Cons 3 (Cons 2 (Cons 1 Nil)))
So a List
is either Nil
(the empty list) or a value joined to another List
Another example might be a binary tree:
data Tree = Leaf Int
| Branch Int Tree Tree
let t = (Branch 1 (Branch 2 (Leaf 3) (Leaf 4)) (Leaf 5))
The t
variable corresponds to a tree that looks like this:
/ \
2 5
/ \
3 4
Pattern matching
How does one actually use an ADT?
Once an ADT has been defined, you can use the language’s pattern matching capabilities to create functions that operate over the data. For example, let’s say we want to sum all the number in a list that’s defined as I showed above:
data List = Nil
| Cons Int List
listSum :: List -> Int
listSum l = case l of
Nil -> 0
(Cons x xs) -> x + (listSum xs)
So you can create a list, say xs = (Cons 3 (Cons 2 (Cons 1)))
, and sum up the items by calling listSum xs
to get the
result 6
The case _ of
syntax is the pattern matching syntax in Haskell. It takes in a value of a particular type, and attempts
to match that value’s shape against one of the possible variants for that type, allowing us to easily extract the values
out of fields or otherwise write code that is conditional on the shape of the data. This capability is very powerful
when used in the right hands.
Some languages require exhaustive pattern matches, meaning that any given usage of the case _ of
construct must
have a case for each possible variant of the input type. In these languages, if you leave out a variant, you will be
given a compile-time error. Haskell does not require exhaustive pattern matching by default, but it can be toggled on
if you want it.
In these languages where it is required, you can also have an “else” case. Consider a complex (contrived) ADT and associated function using a pattern-match:
data Foo = Bar
| Baz Int
| Quux Bool Foo
| Quum String
| Qulux Char Bool
func :: Foo -> Int
func f = case f of
Bar -> 1
(Baz x) -> 1 + x
(Quux _ f') -> 1 + (func f')
_ -> 0
The function func
is considered to be exhaustive even though it only specifies branches for three variants of the
type. This is because the _
pattern will match anything that is passed along, so it can help “throw away” any
values that are not important.
I really think pattern matching is an incredibly powerful tool, especially when used exhaustively. An exhaustive pattern match provides excellent compile-time feedback so you never have to worry whether you missed handling a particular variant. This becomes more useful the more fluid or complex your data definition is, such as if you’re doing some rapid prototyping.
Relationship to object-oriented programming
In some sense, ADTs are completely juxtaposed with object-oriented systems. Why is that?
Philip Wadler (a well-known researcher in programming language design, specifically in functional programming) termed this juxtaposition the Expression Problem. I won’t go into all the details Wadler brings up, but near the beginning of the original mail he explains:
One can think of cases as rows and functions as columns in a table. In a functional language, the rows are fixed (cases in a datatype declaration) but it is easy to add new columns (functions). In an object-oriented language, the columns are fixed (methods in a class declaration) but it is easy to add new rows (subclasses).
The context here is that we are trying to see how to add additional capabilities to an existing system while making minimal (or no) changes to that system itself. (When he mentions “cases”, he’s referring to data type definitions.) This can be summed up as:
- In an object-oriented system, you cannot change the defined methods of existing classes, so you instead create new subclasses which can either define new methods or override the existing ones.
- In a functional system, you cannot change the existing data types whatsoever (subclassing doesn’t exist), but you can easily create new functions to handle the existing data types.
ADTs are the implementation in functional programming languages that Wadler is referring to. You cannot extend or subclass an existing data type definition — it just isn’t possible. Instead, you add functionality by writing new functions, since functions are the primary tangible “thing” in functional languages.
This contrasts with object-oriented languages, where (of course) objects are the primary tangible “thing” you work with. If someone else has already defined a class for you and implemented its methods, then you cannot easily change those methods. You can, however, create new subclasses of the original class which provide their own implementations of those methods, and instances of your subclasses can be used anywhere the original class is expected.
Sometimes, I think the object-oriented approach makes more sense, and sometimes I think it’s the functional approach. It really depends on a number of factors, but I would like to support both approaches in Viper.
ADTs in Viper
Because of this orthogonal relationship between ADTs and object-oriented principles, Viper has a problem.
Viper is meant to be as similar to Python as possible, which means that everything in the language should be an object under the hood. Further, these objects should be programmer-interactable. You can modify the internal bits and bobs of just about anything in Python if you really want to, and so it seems arguable that Viper should support similar levels of expression.
This interacts poorly with the design of ADTs and exhaustive pattern matching.
Imagine that I have implemented ADTs in Viper. The data type is created as an object, and its various constructors are also objects (since all functions in Python are objects).
If the ADT is essentially implemented as a class, then a programmer could potentially write a subclass of that class. This subverts the requirement that ADTs are immutable. If anybody can subclass an ADT, then pattern matches simply cannot be exhaustive — someone could always extend an ADT with additional constructors.
Even if ADTs are treated such that they cannot be subclassed, a programmer could manually manipulate the objects in play to implement subclasses anyway.
Therefore, an ADT definition must be both immutable and unable to be subclassed if exhaustive pattern matching is going to be supported.
I mentioned in the previous post that I am already considering allowing immutability in Viper. Similarly, it might be worth adding some ability to prevent classes from being used as superclasses, similar to Scala’s sealed classes.
So if Viper supports both immutability and sealed classes, does that solve the problem of implementing ADTs?
Not quite. Under a structural type system, any type Foo
which is structurally equivalent to an ADT Bar
would be able
to be used as an argument to any pattern match meant to take a Bar
. This is problematic, because while Bar
might be
immutable and sealed, Foo
may not be, and so we still have all the same problems as before.
Therefore, the strict nominal type checking enforcement I suggested in the last post is also necessary. Pattern matching should be done over only the named type — not every type which is structurally equivalent to it.
Since I feel strongly about including ADTs in Viper, it seems necessary to implement these three additional features: optional strict nominal type checking, immutability, and sealed classes (at least for ADTs). Although the latter two are not terribly Python-like, I think there are ways to incorporate them that will make sense. That’ll require some more thinking, though!