Last night, I posted about Matt Might’s “Parsing with Derivatives” paper (post here). To aid me in understanding what I was writing about, I implemented a few simple classes in Python. Here is the file on GitHub, though fair warning: it’s not complete by any means, and there are hardly any comments to explain anything. Well anyway, along the way I encountered something interesting about Python’s __new__ special method.

Special methods

If you don’t know, “special methods” are what Python calls those methods with two underscores on either side. There are a number of these methods which are used to provide functionality throughout the language. For example: you can implement the __gt__ method, which specifies what happens when you compare an instance of your class with the greater-than operator >. Or you can implement __getattr__, which defines the functionality for accessing the methods and fields inside an object with the dot . (e.g. myobject.field).

Many Python programmers are familiar at least with __init__. This is often considered the Python equivalent of the constructor method seen in plenty of other object-oriented languages. However, it is often glossed over that the object has already been constructed by the time this method is called. It can be used to set up fields and check that the inputs are valid, but the object has already been allocated in memory before any __init__ code is executed. How can that be?

The __new__ method

The true “constructor method” for Python is __new__. It is the responsibility of __new__ to actually create the object requested. The result of __new__ is then passed along to __init__ in the form of the first argument to __init__, most often labeled self in Python (though technically you can name it whatever you like).

Generally speaking, you almost never need to override the __new__ method. As Python is a dynamic language, you can get away by implementing practically everything in the __init__ method instead, and this is usually the preferred method of doing things.

But, sometimes, you need something special to happen. In these cases, you can use __new__ to customize the instantiation process for your class.

The set-up

So there I was, implementing some classes for parsing with derivatives. I had an abstract class A, and then various subclasses of A (say, B, C, and D) which all existed in a flat hierarchy (they were all “siblings”, I guess you could say). The constructor for one of these classes (let’s say it’s C) in particular accepted two arguments, both instances of A. However, if the first argument was actually an instance of B, I wanted to return the second argument instead of creating a new object.

This was simple enough. Roughly:

class A:
    def __str__(self):
        return f'{type(self).__name__}({id(self)})'

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self)

class B(A):

class C(A):
    def __new__(cls, a1: A, a2: A):
        if isinstance(a1, B):
            return a2
            return super().__new__(cls)
    def __init__(self, a1: A, a2: A):
        self.a1 = a1
        self.a2 = a2
    def __str__(self):
        return f'C<{id(self)}>({self.a1}, {self.a2})'

class D(A):

(You’ll note that __new__ accepts the same arguments that are passed to __init__. Additionally, the call to the super class’s constructor via return super().__new__(cls) is the recommended method of instantiating the class and subsequently invoking the __init__ method.)

This accomplishes almost exactly what I want.

The problem

Except… I had this weird issue. Here’s some output from the interpreter:

>>> C(A(), A())
C<4481999928>(A(4482368232), A(4482129144))
>>> C(A(), B())
C<4482602544>(A(4482602488), B(4482602432))
>>> C(B(), A())
>>> C(B(), B())
>>> C(A(), C(A(), B()))
C<4482559728>(A(4482429672), C<4482559392>(A(4482559672), B(4482559336)))
>>> C(B(), C(A(), B()))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
    C(B(), C(A(), B()))
  File "<input>", line 6, in __repr__
    return str(self)
  File "<input>", line 13, in __str__
    return f'C({self.a1}, {self.a2})'
  File "<input>", line 13, in __str__
    return f'C({self.a1}, {self.a2})'
  File "<input>", line 13, in __str__
    return f'C({self.a1}, {self.a2})'
  [Previous line repeated 191 more times]
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded

Well, that sure is odd! Why is there a RecursionError?

>>> c = C(B(), C(A(), B()))
>>> type(c)
<class '__console__.C'>
>>> c.a1
>>> c.a2
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<input>", line 6, in __repr__
    return str(self)
  File "<input>", line 13, in __str__
    return f'C({self.a1}, {self.a2})'
  File "<input>", line 13, in __str__
    return f'C({self.a1}, {self.a2})'
  File "<input>", line 13, in __str__
    return f'C({self.a1}, {self.a2})'
  [Previous line repeated 191 more times]
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded

This stumped me for a while. I pored over blog posts and documentation, and I could not for the life of me figure out what was going on here. Let’s walk through that again, but a bit closer:

>>> c1 = C(A(), B())
>>> c1
C<4482278848>(A(4481411504), B(4481277848))
>>> c2 = C(B(), c1)
>>> c2
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<input>", line 6, in __repr__
    return str(self)
  File "<input>", line 13, in __str__
    return f'C<{id(self)}>({self.a1}, {self.a2})'
  File "<input>", line 13, in __str__
    return f'C<{id(self)}>({self.a1}, {self.a2})'
  File "<input>", line 13, in __str__
    return f'C<{id(self)}>({self.a1}, {self.a2})'
  [Previous line repeated 191 more times]
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
>>> c2.a1
>>> c2.a2
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<input>", line 6, in __repr__
    return str(self)
  File "<input>", line 13, in __str__
    return f'C<{id(self)}>({self.a1}, {self.a2})'
  File "<input>", line 13, in __str__
    return f'C<{id(self)}>({self.a1}, {self.a2})'
  File "<input>", line 13, in __str__
    return f'C<{id(self)}>({self.a1}, {self.a2})'
  [Previous line repeated 191 more times]
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
>>> id(c1)
>>> id(c2)
>>> id(c2.a2)
>>> id(c2.a2.a1)

This is not the behavior I expect. I had anticipated that the ID of c1 and the ID of c2 would be identical; that’s the point of returning the a2 argument in the __new__ method, after all! But what I didn’t expect was that for some reason, c2 had the wrong values. c2.a1 should give us A(4481411504), and c2.a2 should give B(4481277848). Instead, c2.a1 is the new B object (which no C instance should have!) and c2.a2 is… a recursive reference to c2?

We can shed some light on the situation by going back and examining c1:

>>> c2.a1
>>> c1.a1

Clearly, c1 has been tampered with!

The explanation

Although I was reading blog post after blog post about the __new__ method and various pitfalls to watch out for, I was not reading carefully enough. In fact, here’s the relevant excerpt from the official documentation:

If __new__() returns an instance of cls, then the new instance’s __init__() method will be invoked like __init__(self[, ...]), where self is the new instance and the remaining arguments are the same as were passed to __new__().

This seems reasonable… until you really read it. The key phrase here is “returns an instance of cls”. What is glossed over is that Python does not actually check that this returned instance is a new instance, despite the documentation saying it is.

What was happening was my __new__ method was returning an instance of C — the instance c1 which had already been initialized! Since this is “an instance of cls”, the __init__ function was called again, but this time self was pointing to the object c1, with the new B instance as a1 and itself as a2. Since my __init__ doesn’t check the arguments, it was blindly filling out the fields in the object as it thought it should. This led to c1.a2 (and c2.a2) pointing to the parent object c1, resulting in an infinite recursion when I attempted to get the string representation of the instance.

The solution

I found various suggested solutions for semi-similar issues (although I did not find any record of anybody having quite the same problem as me), and what I ended up going with was based on this StackOverflow answer:

class C(A):
    def __new__(cls, a1: A, a2: A):
        if isinstance(a1, B):
            return a2
            new_self = super().__new__(cls)
            new_self.a1 = a1
            new_self.a2 = a2
            return new_self

There is no __init__ definition in the class any longer; if there’s no __init__, then __init__ can’t be called when an instance of C is returned from __new__!

This produced the desired results. It was a whirlwind of exploration for a couple hours there, but in the end it was kind of fun to figure this out!